
"The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter." ~Mark Twain

Monday, September 13, 2010

Zoom through the rainy season, Part 1 - Ayutthaya

How to predict the weather in Thailand during the rainy season:
1 - Is it sunny? If yes, jump to #4. If no, jump to #4.
2 - Is it cloudy? If yes, jump to #4. If no, jump to #4.
3 - Is it rainy? If yes, jump to #4. If no, jump to #4.
4 - It will rain in the next 5-10 hours.

Again, I've been quite remiss in updating my blog. After coming back from Vienna, I thought I would be staying put for a bit. After all, I'd done a lot of traveling in the past few months!

The next weekend I went to Ayutthaya for the day. I've posted information about Ayutthaya before (it was one of the first places I visited outside Bangkok after I came), but here are a few more pictures from one of the coolest places I've been in Thailand:

Temples of Ayutthaya

Olesya, Rebecca, Darell and Me - so Thai with our umbrellas in the sun!

Garments to clothe the Buddha (it was the beginning of Buddhist Lent)

Me with a large, blinging rooster :P

Famous Buddha head in the roots
Me and the Buddha
Beautiful temple

Next up, Myanmar!


  1. Katie:

    These are really nice pictures.


  2. Ayuthaya is one of our favorite places in Thailand, we have been there three times already.

    Kind regards,
